• "Giving Back", The Kenyan way
    Tussen Kerst en Oud en Nieuw keerden de Orange Nile ondernemers James en Simon in Kenia terug naar hun geboortegrond om wat ze hebben geleerd door te geven.
  • Will Afrika finally keep its promise?
    The outlook is for a continent with the workers of the future and the best investment opportunities: "Don't believe me, believe the data".
  • Direct response software for disasters? Kenya has had it since 2008
    Disasters such as wildfires and floods are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity. How can affected individuals and responders inform each other in real-time as effectively as possible? That solution was already developed in Kenya by Ushahidi in 2008.
  • Why Africa?
    Africa is a continent. A very large continent. And it is not appropriate to generalize about the whole of Africa. Nevertheless, there are characteristics that seem to apply to the entire continent. Take, for example, the phenomenon of population rejuvenation versus aging, which we see in many other parts of the world. Or consider the drive among young adults to prove themselves and seek affiliation with Western prosperity. This transformation translates into significant economic growth in several African countries, which in turn affects neighbouring ones.
  • Five lessons for the European Fintech from Africa
    The European fintech industry can definitely learn from the success of African payment solutions like M-Pesa and Pesalink. These services have revolutionized the way people in Africa transfer money and make payments. Here are some key lessons that the European fintech industry can draw from.